November 25, 2017 Blue Ridge Observatory
7 People spent 2 1/2 hours learning about our sun, solar system, galaxy and beyond. Astrophotography
was also explained including Blue Ridge Observatory equipment and software.
See more of Dave Collings photos at his web page the Blue Ridge Observatory:
November 9, 2017 – Grayson County Public Library
Special Guest Speaker: Dr Pam Khurana @ 7 PM
Dr. Pam Khurana will be the special guest speaker. She is a Physicist who lived and worked at the European CERN Research laboratory. She teaches Quantum Physics and will be teaching us a little of this as well as explaining about CERN, what she did there, and what CERN is doing today. Dr. Khurana is very interesting to listen to and very good at teaching this very advanced subject to people that have little or no understanding of Quantum Physics.

Mike and Dave, representing the ERAS Club, setup a 6″ Refractor at Starfest and demonstrated basic astronomy and general viewing to over 50 people.
Mountain Foliage Festival – October 14, 2017 @ 10 AM to 3 PM
Join us for some solar viewing at the Grayson County Public Library.

Sparta Public Library – October 5, 2017@ 6:00 to 7:30 PM
Come join astrophotographer Dave Collings and learn about the hobby of astrophotography. Learn what equipment and software he uses to produce
the images now published in the magazine Sky & Telescope. He takes his photos just outside of Sparta at the Blue Ridge Observatory.
You can view his equipment and photo’s at his website:
October 2017 Sky & Telescope Magazine
Be sure to see a picture of M63 taken by David Collings an ERAS member in this edition of Sky and Telescope.
Messier 63, a spiral galaxy in the constellation Canes Venatici, also known as the Sunflower galaxy.
See more of Dave Collings photos at his web page the Blue Ridge Observatory:
Blue Ridge Observatory
September 30, 2017
Blue Ridge Observatory
Group of 9 (3 children 7 , 10 & 12) came to Observatory for 4 hours & taught them basic Astronomy & Astrophotography.
Educated them on our universe and solar system and did some solar observing.
September 16, 2017 Evening
Pam and Lydia are from the Piedmont club in Statesville, NC They came to take back knowledge to their club and their experience earning
astrophotography, software control, CCD cameras, and editing. Pam is a Dr. of Nuclear Physics and Lydia is the Secretary of the Piedmont Club.
Mountain Heritage Festival Downtown Sparta, NC.
September 16,2017 sponsored by Echo Ridge Astronomical Society & Sparta Public Library
Click Here to See ALL Photos from Event
Solar Eclipse – August 21,2017 ENE of Nashville TN.
Join ERAS near Nashville,Tn. to observe and film the eclipse in white light and H-Alpha light.For further details e-mail:

June 24,2017 Grayson Highlands State Park “The Great American Campout”
As part of this event, ERAS will be giving an Astronomy program that evening.
June 8, 2017 Meeting Special Guest Speaker: Gayle Riggsbee@
Echo Ridge Observatory 7PM
Topic: Eclipses
Astronomy Day May 20th, 2017 10 AM to 2 PM Rain or Shine @ the Sparta, NC Public Library
See the sun, moon and Venus with the use of solar, DOB and refractor telescopes.